before the CDOT opens public hearings on proposed 5% fare increase on
Metro-North, Governor Malloy held a media
event to promote good news about
“improved service” on our highest-fares-in-the-nation railroad.
What? A return of the bar cars? More seats on crowded trains? No, nothing that monumental: just a new e-ticketing app and word that bike
racks have been installed on our trains.

the other piece of news was more concerning.
The Governor said that “as
a result of listening to our customers”
190 new bike racks (hooks, actually) have been installed on the new M8
rail-cars. Great!
in the next breath he said “now this is not for prime commutation periods”, i.e.
no bikes at rush hour. Not so great.
reason is that trains are too crowded at peak times. The seats are full and there’s often standing
room only. Trying to bring a bike onto
such a train wouldn’t be possible, partly because these new bike-hooks sit over
the handicapped passenger area meant for wheelchairs. If there’s no wheelchair, a fold-down seat
can be used, and on crowded trains, always is.
I’ve written for years
about restricting bikes on trains until every ticketed passenger has a seat, a
utopian dream we have yet to fulfill.
But for off-peak riders, where there is less crowding, bring your bike
and hang it up. (Folding bikes are
always allowed if they can be stored in the luggage rack).
I also
remain skeptical of any pent-up demand for bikes on Metro-North. Sure, lots of commuters bike to their train
station. Others may even take advantage
of the Citi
Bike service on arrival in
Manhattan. But how many people really
want to take their bike on the train into Grand Central?
buses have offered bike racks for almost a decade and are widely used. But that’s for shorter trips where the first
/ last mile of commuting by bike makes sense.
So, let’s see how popular these new bike racks (hooks) on
Metro-North prove to be. Maybe I’m
wrong. It won’t be the first time.
a personal note: this is my last
“Talking Transportation” column.
After a ten year run, I’m taking my commentary to new channels.
I’d like to thank all of you for your
feedback over the years, especially your words of encouragement. I’ll
see you on the train.
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