September 14, 2024


Like so many people, I absolutely love Vermont. But the journey to get there? Well, it’s not my favorite part.

From Fairfield County CT to Burlington, VT, it’s about 300 miles. Driving takes around five hours and costs roughly $35 in gas one-way. Flying might sound faster, but once you factor in the time to get to and from the airport, it’s not much quicker—and it’ll cost you at least $228 one-way.

But, there’s a fun, scenic alternative to ride north: Amtrak!

There are a couple of different trains that will take you to (or at least close to) Vermont?  Here’s a breakdown of each:

This one’s your best bet! Running daily from Washington, DC, to St. Albans, VT (right next to Burlington), The Vermonter passes through Stamford around noon each day. It also makes stops in Bridgeport and New Haven before heading up the beautiful Connecticut River Valley, with Vermont stops in places like Brattleboro, Montpelier, Waterbury (for Stowe), and Essex Junction (for Burlington), just to name a few.

It’s not the fastest option (Stamford to Burlington takes around 8 1/2 hours), but it’s incredibly scenic and peaceful. Plus, with recent track upgrades, the ride is now an hour shorter!  Increased ridership recently added a fifth Amfleet coach to the train.

The newly refurbished Amfleet seats are super comfy, and for a bit extra, you can treat yourself to business class. The Amfood is much improved, the crew is always friendly, there’s a Quiet Car and yes—there’s free Wi-Fi! The train even hits 80 mph on smooth tracks, and the fall foliage views are unbeatable.

And here’s the real perk: Amtrak runs in all kinds of weather. So, if you’re planning a winter ski trip and a snowstorm hits, Amtrak will still get you there when highways and airports are shut down!

Heading to the western side of Vermont, like Rutland or Burlington? The Ethan Allen Express is your train! It departs from Penn Station in New York City in the mid-afternoon and arrives at its final destination of Burlington around 10 p.m., stopping at places like Saratoga Springs, Glens Falls, and Castleton, VT. There’s even a bus connection to Killington for ski lovers.

Now terminating in downtown Burlington, you’re in the heart of that vibrant city’s action, just steps from hotels and restaurants.  Rental cars also available nearby.

For those of us in Connecticut, the easiest way to hop on this train is from Croton-Harmon in Westchester County, where there’s plenty of long-term parking. Exciting news: there’s discussion about extending the Ethan Allen all the way to Montreal sometime in the future!

While this train doesn’t go through Vermont, it used to be a fun option for those willing to take a ferry.  You could hop off its 12 hr. daily run from New York’s Penn Station to Montreal on the western shore of Lake Champlain and see Burlington across the lake.  But alas, the old ferry from Port Kent NY to Burlington is no more, having been scrapped during the pandemic.


So, if you’re dreaming of a trip to Vermont, why not make the journey part of the fun by letting Amtrak take the wheel?  It’s the "green" way to travel to the “Green Mountain State”.

September 07, 2024


When Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France before the revolution, was asked how to quell her starving peasant subjects, she is alleged to have said “Let them eat cake”.

And as history so often repeats itself, Governor Ned Lamont seems to be taking the same tact with grumbling Connecticut residents angry over utility pricing.  While he still refuses to call a special session of the legislature to address the issue, last week he presided over the unveiling of a new campaign to make Nutmeggers feel better about their lot.

Four signs were erected on the interstate entrances to our state, welcoming travelers by reminding them that Connecticut is “The Foodie / Submarine  / Basketball / Pizza Capital” of New England / The US / The World.  Don’t you just feel the pride?  Or is it more like confusion?

These braggadocio claims were produced by our state’s new Chief Marketing Officer Anthony Anthony (yes, that’s his real name) who reminded us that “Connecticut is a drive-to state, not a drive-through state”. 

Contemplate that the next time you’re in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-95 or I-91.

The reaction was swift and predictable, with the governors of New Jersey and Massachusetts picking a fight over the claims. Sure, Groton is the submarine capital, but everyone knows that the Basketball Hall of Fame is in Springfield MA and good food can be found throughout New England.  But “Pizza Capital of the United States”?  Really?  That’s the best you could do?

How could Connecticut music teacher Mrs. Fitzgerald cover all our state’s highlights in this two-minute ditty by Carmino Ravosa and our state’s CMO so misses the mark?

Because this was all intentional.

In an earlier life I was a News Director at NBC News.  Later I became a communications consultant and even wrote about it in my book “Off The Record: Confessions of a Media Consultant”.  I know how the media works.  And so does the Governor and his staff.

Don’t want to make the hard decisions about electric rates?  Just distract everyone with a phony debate about who has the best pizza. 

This quartet of signs cost CDOT all of $90,000 to produce, most of it paid for by the Feds.  Hoist the signs and then just stand back and watch social media spread the anger and confusion.  It’s all a brilliant distraction technique and we are gobbling it up.

Twitter memes like this seemed inevitable…

Who needs a special legislative session to solve utility costs when we’re instead talking about pizza?  We all have the attention span of a goldfish and the Governor and his media minions know it.

Notably missing from this conversation was another set of recently erected highway signs… the ones proclaiming how many people have died on CT roadways this year.  It’s a running tally… 224 year to date, and climbing. Those sobering reminders were the brainchild of the CDOT, which deserves kudos.

But hey… enjoy that pizza, peasants.



Like so many people, I absolutely love Vermont. But the journey to get there? Well, it’s not my favorite part. From Fairfield County CT to...