November 08, 2015

Stamford RR Garage Saga Drags On

The nearly decade-long struggle to replace the crumbling Stamford railroad station parking garage has taken another bizarre turn:  the CDOT now wants to spend $1.5 million and take six months to repair the garage before they tear it down.
How did we get into this mess?  Let’s examine the time-line:

Garage construction - 1983
MAY 1983:    Construction begins on the Stamford Transportation Center, featuring a new train station and parking garage. But construction is halted when cracks are found in beams. Repairs are made and work continues.

AUGUST 2006:       Crumbing concrete, exposed and rusting rebar convince engineers the garage is near the end of its life.   CDOT decides it will be cheaper to demolish the old 727-space parking garage than to repair it… $35 million.

AUGUST 2008:       A hoped-for public-private partnership (PPP) to replace the old garage in its current location and add private office space falls through. 

JULY 2012:   The CDOT tries a PPP again, issuing an RFP (Request for Proposals) for replacement parking within a quarter mile of the station.  Developers are promised confidentiality.  There are no public hearings on any concepts, leaving commuters in the dust. After protests, Governor Malloy appoints a panel to oversee the CDOT process of selecting a developer.  The group meets secretly, never seeking public input nor ever issuing a report on its work.

JULY 1, 2013:         Developer John McClutchy and family donate $30,000 to the CT State Central Democratic Committee.  By February 2015, the McClutchy’s have donated $165,000 to that federal account, bypassing state laws prohibiting contractor contributions to candidates.

John McClutchy
JULY 11 2013:        The CDOT announces its choice of developers for the Stamford Garage, JHM Group of Companies (headed by John McClutchy), which proposes a 600,000 sq ft office / hotel complex on the site of the old garage while parking is moved a quarter mile away.  Negotiations on a final deal get underway.

NOVEMBER 2014:            Having been completely bypassed in the state’s decision making process about the garage project, the City of Stamford Zoning Board passes a new zoning ordinance giving it final approval over any projects near the train station.

MARCH 2015:         In response, the Governor introduces HB-6851, a bill to give the state control of all development within a half mile of any transit station.  The bill would create a quasi-governmental CT Transit Corridor Development Authority, all of its members appointed by the Governor, with the power of eminent domain.  The bill is eventually killed.

APRIL 2015:           Large chunks of concrete fall from the ceiling of the Stamford Garage prompting CDOT to close the facility for safety inspection, displacing 700+ daily parkers.
Spawling concrete, rusted rebar

JULY 2015:             The second anniversary of CDOT’s selection of JHM as developer of the garage passes, but there is still no signed contract.  The old garage remains closed into a third month with no word on repairs.

OCTOBER 2015:     CDOT announces it will spend $1.5 million and six months to repair part of the old garage, eventually re-opening 270 of its 727 spaces.

Those facts speak for themselves.  My only opinion:  if CDOT can so mismanage a small project like this, what’s going to happen when Governor Malloy gives them $100 billion to spend on his 30-year transportation plan?


Richard Stowe said...

The Stamford RR Garage Saga is completely on Stamford Mayor, Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy's watch (and those that voted for Malloy to serve as Mayor and Governor.) That includes the $165,000 contributed to the State Democratic Central Committee.

lawrence said...

Yesterday, upon return with luggage from overseas, I found all entrances to the normal west end elevators blocked with plastic fences, and the only way to my car, a few yards away at the west end of the garage fourth floor, was to go to the farthest east end, take that elevator and walk back west up the ramps... ridiculous, and with minimal information, no way to treat paying monthly parkers...but we are now used to it... by the way, you cant do it now because of the fences, but if you went to the fourth floor crossing spot from the new garage to the old one, as you turn left onto the old fourth level, heading towards the bridge to the concourse, and you look down at your feet, there is a small 1 1/2" hole through which you can see the floor below.. what is amazing is the extraordinary thin-ness of the concrete on which you are standing! not very encouraging given the wear and tear so visible around you...
this is a horrible example of municipal incompetence and low grade construction threatening citizen welfare... and who is held responsible?

Anonymous said...

The McClutchy (sp) donations to the Democratic party are really quite stunning - pay to play. Unbelievable. There are a lot of constitutional issues with the State's grab to control all development within a quarter mile of the station. That is legally absurd. This goes to show the mendacity of our elected officials.


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